Luka Ferruccio Manila Perfume Shop

Concepcion Dos, Marikina City, Metro Manila 1800

Miracles have been a throughline in Ella Mae Cruz’s life and business. The cancer survivor was putting up her business to cope with losing her job, and was undergoing chemotherapy while pregnant with his son Lucas, whose name (Lukas means “bringer of Light” and Ferrucio means “strong”) is all the brand’s patrons need to know about the ethos of both the all-women business and its empowered founder.

Today, Luka Ferrucio enjoys renown and loyal customers for 51 luxurious scents (eau de parfum) comparable to crowd-favorite fragrances in the global market, but at way more accessible price points. Throughout, with the patronage of both the national and Japanese markets, Cruz was also able to make good on her promise to herself to donate a portion of her profits to cancer patients and children with autism.
